
INGREDIENTS (for 3-4 people)

  • 2 cups flour (300gr)Eggs
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 700ml buttermilk (karnemelk)
  • 4 tbsp butter, melted
  • Fruit, icing sugar, maple syrup, honey, or other toppings

I know this is not good practice and I can think of at least one person who will protest with vigour (hi Smee), but my breakfast typically consists of a cup of coffee. Two, if I’m feeling extravagant. There are days, however, weekend days usually, when I feel like the day cannot start without a large breakfast. And, by far, my favourite of those mornings is when I make pancakes.

There are many types of pancakes made around the world, from the buckwheat galettes of Brittany and the silky crêpes that are so popular in France, to the blinis of Eastern Europe and the dosas of India. Maybe we will look at all those on another occasion, but for breakfast, I always make American-style, fluffy, soft pancakes.

Start by placing a large, non-stick frying pan over medium heat (or two, if you can handle them). As the pans heat up, whisk all the dry ingredients in a large bowl, until they are evenly mixed. In a separate bowl, combine the milk, whisked eggs, and butter and whisk to combine thoroughly. Pour the liquid mix over the dry ingredients and whisk just until a batter forms. Do not overmix! A few lumps will remain in the batter and that is perfectly fine, as overmixing will make the pancakes tough and chewy, not what you’re after.

Brush the surface of the pan with a little butter (you only want a very thin film, the pan should look dry) and use a ladle or cup to pour as many 8-10cm discs of batter as you can fit (without letting them touch). Let these cook on the first side until you see bubbles form and are starting to pop. Flip the pancakes with a spatula and let them cook for another minute or two on the second side until they are fully cooked. Take them out on a plate and keep them in a warm oven while you finish cooking the rest. When they are all ready, serve them with assorted fruit, maple syrup, honey, jam, or even a few slices of crisp bacon. It really is the best way to start your day.

Photographs by Alina Marie Gärtig